The Current Constitution
Governance of FUSE
Voting power over strategic decisions or goals regarding the future of the FUSE currency (contract: 0x20dd2f2bfa4ce3eaec5f57629583dad8a325872a, on the Fusion Blockchain chain ID: 0x7f93) is held by LP providers of FUSE who hold FSN/FUSE (contract: 0xe96ac326ecea1a09ae6e47487c5d8717f73d5a7e, on the Fusion Blockchain, chain ID: 0x7f93).
An address containing 100 FSN/FUSE or more is to be considered a “Fusionite”. A “Fusionite” may be rewarded if they perform votes, if the voting contract of the particular vote specifies that Fusionites are to somehow be rewarded.
A vote proposal should always contain these elements: A. The time for the proposal needs to be 7 days or more. B. The “snapshot block” should be set at least 30 000 blocks into the future from the start of the block, but never so long into the future that it happens after the end of the vote. C. The vote should always only have these three options: “Yes”, “No” and “Indifferent”.
An address containing 10 000 FSN/FUSE or more is to be considered a “FUSE whale”. A “FUSE whale” will not be rewarded for voting but will have the power to create a valid proposal for voting without the approval of anyone else. Addresses closely tied with a “FUSE whale” such that it is obvious they are controlled by the same person will also be excluded both from voting results (unless they vote “indifferent”) and voting awards. Proposals created by “FUSE whales” can be anything and should be honored to the extent it is possible if passed. “FUSE whales” should vote with the option “Indifferent” on proposals they create themselves. This is the way in which the vote is validated. “Fusionites” may also create vote proposals, but these are only to be considered valid if a “FUSE whale” votes with the option “Indifferent” in order to validate the vote. The vote would also need to have been set up according to all above rules to be considered valid.
For a vote to be considered valid, a minimum of 40% of all FSN/FUSE must have taken part (“FUSE whale” voting counts towards this 40% only if they voted with the option “indifferent”).
As long as no future vote changes this rule. The first 20 “Fusionites” to vote in a proposal (including this one) will be awarded 5 ANY (from address: 0x34b82b5e32068dc238c9814c64c889edffa33287) if it is passed.