Swap Rewards
Unlocking swap rewards for FSN/FUSE might be key to getting more people to provide liquidity for the pair. However, it is never going to happen unless we do get lost of people to first provide liquidity in the pair.
Swap rewards active is important because it will make the pool much more attractive to traders, which in turn makes it more attractive to liquidity providers. If you analyze various AnySwap pools, it is clear that pools with swap rewards activated are always the pools that are the most popular. It is meant to be an edge that truly large and truly decentralized pools have over smaller and more centralized pools.
As such there is only one way to make this come true for FSN/FUSE Lots of people need to provide liquidity and with significant amounts of FSN and FUSE, which is directly in line with the 50% in liquidity goal.
If swap rewards are unlocked FSN/FUSE will not only be one of the safest pools when it comes to avoiding impairment loss, it would also become one of the most profitable ones in calm circumstances.